Insider: William Douglas Eaton

Issuer Name: Honey Badger Silver Inc. (formerly, Honey Badger Exploration Inc.)
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
2021080404 Aug, 21 2021062424 Jun, 21 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2021080404 Aug, 21 2021080404 Aug, 21 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 750,000 0 750,000
2021062424 Jun, 21 2021062424 Jun, 21 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
Issuer Name: GGL Resources Corp.
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
2021060404 Jun, 21 2021060303 Jun, 21 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Warrants (Common Shares) 54 - Exercise of warrants -336,363 0 1,175,000
2021060404 Jun, 21 2021060303 Jun, 21 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 54 - Exercise of warrants 336,363 0.15 5,246,089
2020091111 Sep, 20 2020090909 Sep, 20 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Warrants (Common Shares) 55 - Expiration of warrants -700,000 0.15 1,511,363
2020091111 Sep, 20 2020072323 Jul, 20 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Warrants (Common Shares) 16 - Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus exemption 336,363 0.15 2,211,363
2020091111 Sep, 20 2020090909 Sep, 20 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 54 - Exercise of warrants 700,000 0 4,909,726
2020091111 Sep, 20 2020072323 Jul, 20 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 16 - Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus exemption 672,726 0 4,209,726
2020081414 Aug, 20 2020081010 Aug, 20 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 225,000 0.15 350,000
2019120505 Dec, 19 2019120505 Dec, 19 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 21,000 0 3,537,000
2019080808 Aug, 19 2019080808 Aug, 19 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 9,000 0 3,516,000
2019080707 Aug, 19 2019080707 Aug, 19 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 1,000 0 3,507,000
2019062525 Jun, 19 2019062424 Jun, 19 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 1,000 0 3,503,000
2019062525 Jun, 19 2019062525 Jun, 19 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 3,000 0 3,506,000
2019061919 Jun, 19 2019061717 Jun, 19 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 2,000 0 3,502,000
2019060606 Jun, 19 2019052828 May, 19 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 16 - Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus exemption 1,875,000 0 3,500,000
2019060606 Jun, 19 2019052828 May, 19 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Warrants (Common Shares) 16 - Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus exemption 1,875,000 0.15 1,875,000
2019060606 Jun, 19 2017103131 Oct, 17 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Warrants (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2019052929 May, 19 2019052828 May, 19 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 8,000 0 1,625,000
2019051616 May, 19 2019051414 May, 19 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 2,000 0 1,617,000
2019050707 May, 19 2019050606 May, 19 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 3,000 0 1,615,000
2019043030 Apr, 19 2019042929 Apr, 19 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 43,000 0 1,612,000
2019043030 Apr, 19 2019042626 Apr, 19 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 3,000 0 1,569,000
2019031818 Mar, 19 2019031515 Mar, 19 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 1,000 0 1,566,000
2018102525 Oct, 18 2018102424 Oct, 18 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 25,000 0 1,565,000
2018101919 Oct, 18 2018101919 Oct, 18 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 25,000 0 1,540,000
2018091818 Sep, 18 2018091818 Sep, 18 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 14,000 0 1,515,000
2018091818 Sep, 18 2018091717 Sep, 18 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 51,000 0 1,501,000
2018091414 Sep, 18 2018052424 May, 18 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately -150,000 0 1,450,000
2017110707 Nov, 17 2017103131 Oct, 17 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2017110707 Nov, 17 2017110606 Nov, 17 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 125,000 0 125,000
2017103131 Oct, 17 2017103131 Oct, 17 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2017103131 Oct, 17 2017103131 Oct, 17 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 16 - Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus exemption 1,600,000 0 1,600,000
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
Issuer Name: Strategic Metals Ltd.
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
2021071212 Jul, 21 2015051111 May, 15 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 38 - Redemption, retraction, cancellation, repurchase -475,000 1.45 445,000
2021071212 Jul, 21 2021062828 Jun, 21 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 200,000 0.39 635,000
2021070909 Jul, 21 2021062828 Jun, 21 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 200,000 0.39 0
2021031010 Mar, 21 2021030404 Mar, 21 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 15,000 0 2,333,285
2021030303 Mar, 21 2021030101 Mar, 21 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 42,000 0 2,308,285
2021030303 Mar, 21 2021030202 Mar, 21 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 10,000 0 2,318,285
2021022222 Feb, 21 2021021818 Feb, 21 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 52 - Expiration of options -125,000 0.35 435,000
2021020101 Feb, 21 2021012929 Jan, 21 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 39,000 0 2,266,285
2021012828 Jan, 21 2021012828 Jan, 21 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 22,500 0 2,227,285
2021012727 Jan, 21 2021012525 Jan, 21 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 59,000 0 2,097,285
2021012727 Jan, 21 2021012626 Jan, 21 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 9,500 0 2,106,785
2021012727 Jan, 21 2021012727 Jan, 21 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 98,000 0 2,204,785
2021012222 Jan, 21 2021012222 Jan, 21 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 8,000 0 2,038,285
2021012121 Jan, 21 2021012121 Jan, 21 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 4,500 0 2,030,285
2019090404 Sep, 19 2019090202 Sep, 19 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 135,000 0.49 560,000
2019072424 Jul, 19 2019072121 Jul, 19 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 52 - Expiration of options -60,000 0 425,000
2019052424 May, 19 2019052424 May, 19 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 1,000 0 2,025,785
2019052323 May, 19 2019052323 May, 19 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 9,000 0 2,024,785
2018081515 Aug, 18 2018081414 Aug, 18 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 3,500 0 1,999,285
2018081515 Aug, 18 2018081515 Aug, 18 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 16,500 0 2,015,785
2018080808 Aug, 18 2018080101 Aug, 18 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 14,500 0 1,992,785
2018080808 Aug, 18 2018080808 Aug, 18 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 3,000 0 1,995,785
2017101919 Oct, 17 2017101717 Oct, 17 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 300,000 0 485,000
2017072828 Jul, 17 2017072828 Jul, 17 Control or Direction : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 2,000 0 1,978,285
2017072828 Jul, 17 2017072727 Jul, 17 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 4,000 0 1,976,285
2017072020 Jul, 17 2017071717 Jul, 17 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 20,000 0 1,962,285
2017072020 Jul, 17 2017071818 Jul, 17 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 10,000 0 1,972,285
2017062727 Jun, 17 2017062626 Jun, 17 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 50,000 0 1,942,285
2016021818 Feb, 16 2016021818 Feb, 16 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 38 - Redemption, retraction, cancellation, repurchase -385,000 0 60,000
2016021818 Feb, 16 2016021818 Feb, 16 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 125,000 0 185,000
2015032323 Mar, 15 2015031818 Mar, 15 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 500 0 1,411,933
2014091717 Sep, 14 2014091515 Sep, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 100,000 0 1,892,285
2014072222 Jul, 14 2014072121 Jul, 14 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 60,000 0 920,000
2014060303 Jun, 14 2014060202 Jun, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 54,500 0 1,792,285
2014060202 Jun, 14 2014053030 May, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 45,500 0 1,737,785
2014042323 Apr, 14 2014041616 Apr, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 100,000 0 1,692,285
2013120404 Dec, 13 2013120404 Dec, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 6,000 0 1,592,285
2013120303 Dec, 13 2013120303 Dec, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 20,000 0 1,586,285
2013111818 Nov, 13 2013111818 Nov, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 75,500 0 1,566,285
2013111515 Nov, 13 2012120303 Dec, 12 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 90 - Change in the nature of ownership -1,266,285 0 1,059,433
2013111515 Nov, 13 2012120303 Dec, 12 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 90 - Change in the nature of ownership 1,266,285 0 1,266,285
2013111515 Nov, 13 2013111111 Nov, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 100,000 0 1,366,285
2013111515 Nov, 13 2013111515 Nov, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 124,500 0 1,490,785
2013110808 Nov, 13 2013110808 Nov, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 9,000 0 1,411,433
2013110707 Nov, 13 2013110707 Nov, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 16,000 0 1,402,433
2013092727 Sep, 13 2013092626 Sep, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 24,500 0 1,386,433
2013092626 Sep, 13 2013092626 Sep, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 20,000 0 1,361,933
2013091717 Sep, 13 2013091717 Sep, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 10,000 0 1,341,933
2013091313 Sep, 13 2013091010 Sep, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 10,000 0 1,331,933
2013071212 Jul, 13 2013070909 Jul, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 15,000 0 1,321,433
2013071212 Jul, 13 2013071010 Jul, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 500 0 1,321,933
2013070909 Jul, 13 2013070505 Jul, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 59,000 0 1,293,433
2013070909 Jul, 13 2013070808 Jul, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 13,000 0 1,306,433
2013062828 Jun, 13 2013062727 Jun, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 100,000 0 1,234,433
2013062121 Jun, 13 2013062020 Jun, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 10,000 0 1,134,433
2013041919 Apr, 13 2013041515 Apr, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 500 0 1,059,933
2013041919 Apr, 13 2013041717 Apr, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 49,500 0 1,109,433
2013041919 Apr, 13 2013041818 Apr, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 15,000 0 1,124,433
2013012525 Jan, 13 2013012424 Jan, 13 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 52 - Expiration of options 200,000 0 0
2013012525 Jan, 13 2013012424 Jan, 13 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 52 - Expiration of options -200,000 0 860,000
2013012121 Jan, 13 2013011717 Jan, 13 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 385,000 0 1,060,000
2012010505 Jan, 12 2012010303 Jan, 12 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 475,000 0 675,000
2011052626 May, 11 2011052020 May, 11 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 100,000 0 200,000
2011022828 Feb, 11 2011022525 Feb, 11 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -200,000 0 2,325,718
2011021616 Feb, 11 2011021515 Feb, 11 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 51 - Exercise of options 500,000 0 2,525,718
2011021616 Feb, 11 2011021515 Feb, 11 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 51 - Exercise of options -500,000 0 100,000
2010100808 Oct, 10 2010100606 Oct, 10 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 100,000 0 600,000
2009071313 Jul, 09 2007102222 Oct, 07 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 150,000 0 250,000
2009071313 Jul, 09 2009071010 Jul, 09 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 250,000 0 500,000
2009012929 Jan, 09 2009012121 Jan, 09 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 50,000 0 2,025,718
2009010909 Jan, 09 2009010505 Jan, 09 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 20,000 0 1,945,718
2009010909 Jan, 09 2009010505 Jan, 09 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 30,000 0 1,975,718
2008120909 Dec, 08 2008120202 Dec, 08 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 100,000 0 1,925,718
2007102424 Oct, 07 2007102222 Oct, 07 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 50 - Grant of options 150,000 150000 1,825,718
2007051717 May, 07 2007051010 May, 07 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 52 - Expiration of options 500,000 0 1,675,718
2007051717 May, 07 2007051010 May, 07 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 51 - Exercise of options -500,000 0 100,000
2007031616 Mar, 07 2007031212 Mar, 07 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 100,000 0 600,000
2006081818 Aug, 06 2006081818 Aug, 06 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 54 - Exercise of warrants 175,000 0 1,175,718
2006081818 Aug, 06 2006081818 Aug, 06 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 54 - Exercise of warrants -175,000 0 0
2006010909 Jan, 06 2006010707 Jan, 06 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 55 - Expiration of warrants -500,000 0 175,000
2006010505 Jan, 06 2005122828 Dec, 05 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 175,000 0.14 1,000,718
2006010505 Jan, 06 2005122828 Dec, 05 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 175,000 0 675,000
2004081616 Aug, 04 2004081616 Aug, 04 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 55 - Expiration of warrants -50,000 0.2 500,000
2004071919 Jul, 04 2004070909 Jul, 04 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 500,000 0 500,000
2004062020 Jun, 04 2004061818 Jun, 04 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 55 - Expiration of warrants -74,000 0 550,000
2004010707 Jan, 04 2004010707 Jan, 04 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 500,000 0.15 825,718
2004010707 Jan, 04 2004010707 Jan, 04 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 500,000 0 624,000
2003122222 Dec, 03 2003121717 Dec, 03 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 54 - Exercise of warrants 150,000 0.001 0
2003122222 Dec, 03 2003121717 Dec, 03 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 54 - Exercise of warrants 150,000 0.13 325,718
2003122222 Dec, 03 2003121717 Dec, 03 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 54 - Exercise of warrants -150,000 0 0
2003122222 Dec, 03 2003121717 Dec, 03 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 54 - Exercise of warrants -150,000 0.13 124,000
2003111313 Nov, 03 2003110606 Nov, 03 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -491,657 0.175 175,718
2003111313 Nov, 03 2003110606 Nov, 03 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -75,009 0.175 0
2003110505 Nov, 03 2003100808 Oct, 03 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 38 - Redemption, retraction, cancellation, repurchase -70,000 0 0
2003081515 Aug, 03 2003081515 Aug, 03 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 100,000 0.099 667,375
2003081515 Aug, 03 2003081515 Aug, 03 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 50,000 0.001 274,000
2003081313 Aug, 03 2003080909 Aug, 03 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 55 - Expiration of warrants -37,500 0 224,000
2003072121 Jul, 03 2003042424 Apr, 03 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 567,375
2003072121 Jul, 03 2003042424 Apr, 03 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 75,009
2003072121 Jul, 03 2003042424 Apr, 03 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 70,000
2003072121 Jul, 03 2003042424 Apr, 03 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 261,500
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
Issuer Name: Silver Range Resources Ltd.
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
2019072424 Jul, 19 2019072121 Jul, 19 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 52 - Expiration of options -80,000 0 0
2019070404 Jul, 19 2019070303 Jul, 19 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 1,000,000 0 6,399,917
2019032525 Mar, 19 2019032121 Mar, 19 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 16 - Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus exemption 500,000 0 1,819,906
2019022020 Feb, 19 2019021717 Feb, 19 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Warrants (Common Shares) 55 - Expiration of warrants -475,500 0.25 0
2018011717 Jan, 18 2018011616 Jan, 18 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 250,000 0 5,399,917
2017021717 Feb, 17 2017021717 Feb, 17 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 16 - Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus exemption 475,500 0 5,149,917
2017021717 Feb, 17 2017021717 Feb, 17 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Warrants (Common Shares) 16 - Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus exemption 475,500 0 475,500
2016120808 Dec, 16 2014031313 Mar, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Warrants (Common Shares) 55 - Expiration of warrants -17,500 0 0
2016042828 Apr, 16 2016042828 Apr, 16 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 38 - Redemption, retraction, cancellation, repurchase -320,000 0 80,000
2015091414 Sep, 15 2015091111 Sep, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 143,000 0 4,674,417
2015082525 Aug, 15 2015082424 Aug, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 2,000 0 4,531,417
2015082424 Aug, 15 2015082020 Aug, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 1,000 0 4,529,417
2015081414 Aug, 15 2015081111 Aug, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 29,000 0 4,403,417
2015081414 Aug, 15 2015081313 Aug, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 125,000 0 4,528,417
2015052929 May, 15 2015052828 May, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 200,000 0 4,374,417
2015051515 May, 15 2015051313 May, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 21,000 0 4,161,417
2015051515 May, 15 2015051414 May, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 13,000 0 4,174,417
2015051212 May, 15 2015051111 May, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 20,000 0 4,140,417
2015051111 May, 15 2015050808 May, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 92,000 0 4,120,417
2015050707 May, 15 2015050505 May, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 12,000 0 4,028,417
2015041616 Apr, 15 2015041515 Apr, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 57,000 0 4,016,417
2015041515 Apr, 15 2015041313 Apr, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 6,000 0 3,954,417
2015041515 Apr, 15 2015041414 Apr, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 5,000 0 3,959,417
2015041313 Apr, 15 2015041010 Apr, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 3,000 0 3,948,417
2015040707 Apr, 15 2015040101 Apr, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 16,000 0 3,944,417
2015040707 Apr, 15 2015040202 Apr, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 1,000 0 3,945,417
2015022323 Feb, 15 2015022020 Feb, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 20,000 0 3,928,417
2015021010 Feb, 15 2015020909 Feb, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 12,000 0 3,908,417
2015020606 Feb, 15 2015020505 Feb, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 12,000 0 3,858,417
2015020606 Feb, 15 2015020606 Feb, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 38,000 0 3,896,417
2015020505 Feb, 15 2015020404 Feb, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 34,000 0 3,846,417
2015020404 Feb, 15 2015020303 Feb, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 104,000 0 3,812,417
2015020303 Feb, 15 2015020202 Feb, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 34,000 0 3,708,417
2014123131 Dec, 14 2014123030 Dec, 14 Control or Direction : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 64,000 0 3,674,417
2014122424 Dec, 14 2014122323 Dec, 14 Control or Direction : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 1,000 0 3,606,417
2014122424 Dec, 14 2014122424 Dec, 14 Control or Direction : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 4,000 0 3,610,417
2014122323 Dec, 14 2014121919 Dec, 14 Control or Direction : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 1,000 0 3,603,417
2014122323 Dec, 14 2014122222 Dec, 14 Control or Direction : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 2,000 0 3,605,417
2014121919 Dec, 14 2014121717 Dec, 14 Control or Direction : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 4,000 0 3,596,417
2014121919 Dec, 14 2014121818 Dec, 14 Control or Direction : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 6,000 0 3,602,417
2014121717 Dec, 14 2014121616 Dec, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 10,000 0 3,592,417
2014120202 Dec, 14 2014120101 Dec, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 11,000 0 3,582,417
2014111212 Nov, 14 2014111111 Nov, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 3,000 0 3,571,417
2014110606 Nov, 14 2014110505 Nov, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 389,000 0 3,568,417
2014110404 Nov, 14 2014103131 Oct, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 117,000 0 3,179,417
2014103131 Oct, 14 2014102929 Oct, 14 Control or Direction : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 144,000 0.09 3,062,417
2014102828 Oct, 14 2014102727 Oct, 14 Control or Direction : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 50,000 0.09 2,918,417
2014102727 Oct, 14 2014102424 Oct, 14 Control or Direction : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 46,000 0.09 2,868,417
2014102222 Oct, 14 2014102121 Oct, 14 Control or Direction : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 2,000 0.09 2,822,417
2014102121 Oct, 14 2014102020 Oct, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 2,000 0 2,820,417
2014100808 Oct, 14 2014100303 Oct, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 1,000 0 2,797,417
2014100808 Oct, 14 2014100606 Oct, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 21,000 0 2,818,417
2014100303 Oct, 14 2014100202 Oct, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 100,000 0 2,796,417
2014100202 Oct, 14 2014100101 Oct, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 77,000 0 2,696,417
2014100101 Oct, 14 2014093030 Sep, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 49,000 0 2,619,417
2014091010 Sep, 14 2014090808 Sep, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 199,417 0 2,570,417
2014081414 Aug, 14 2014081313 Aug, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 274,000 0 2,371,000
2014081313 Aug, 14 2014081212 Aug, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 129,000 0 2,097,000
2014072525 Jul, 14 2014072424 Jul, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 362,000 0 1,968,000
2014072222 Jul, 14 2014072121 Jul, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 6,000 0 1,606,000
2014072222 Jul, 14 2014072121 Jul, 14 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 80,000 0 400,000
2014052727 May, 14 2014052727 May, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 68,500 0 1,600,000
2014052626 May, 14 2014052323 May, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 28,000 0 1,531,500
2014042323 Apr, 14 2014042121 Apr, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 500,000 0 1,503,500
2014032828 Mar, 14 2014032727 Mar, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 559,000 0 1,003,500
2014012929 Jan, 14 2013122323 Dec, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 1,500 0 1,315,406
2014012929 Jan, 14 2013122727 Dec, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 4,500 0 1,319,906
2013121616 Dec, 13 2013121313 Dec, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 15,000 0 444,500
2013121313 Dec, 13 2013121212 Dec, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 6,500 0 429,500
2013121212 Dec, 13 2013121010 Dec, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 16,500 0 393,500
2013121212 Dec, 13 2013121111 Dec, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 16,500 0 0
2013121212 Dec, 13 2013121111 Dec, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 26,500 0 0
2013121212 Dec, 13 2013121111 Dec, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 29,500 0 423,000
2013121010 Dec, 13 2013120909 Dec, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 13,000 0 377,000
2013120909 Dec, 13 2013120606 Dec, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 2,000 0 364,000
2013120606 Dec, 13 2013112828 Nov, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 4,000 0 314,500
2013120606 Dec, 13 2013120303 Dec, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 45,500 0 362,000
2013120303 Dec, 13 2013120202 Dec, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 2,000 0 316,500
2013112727 Nov, 13 2013112626 Nov, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 5,000 0 310,500
2013112626 Nov, 13 2013112222 Nov, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 40,000 0 305,500
2013111919 Nov, 13 2013111818 Nov, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 42,500 0 265,500
2013110707 Nov, 13 2013110404 Nov, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 46,500 0 212,000
2013110707 Nov, 13 2013110505 Nov, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 11,000 0 223,000
2013100808 Oct, 13 2013100808 Oct, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 17,000 0 1,313,906
2013050808 May, 13 2013050707 May, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 20,000 0 1,276,906
2013050808 May, 13 2013050808 May, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 20,000 0 1,296,906
2013042424 Apr, 13 2013041919 Apr, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 50,000 0 1,256,906
2013041919 Apr, 13 2013041818 Apr, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 50,000 0 1,206,906
2013030606 Mar, 13 2013030606 Mar, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 30,500 0 1,156,906
2013030505 Mar, 13 2013030505 Mar, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 7,500 0 1,126,406
2013030404 Mar, 13 2013030404 Mar, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 2,000 0 1,118,906
2013022222 Feb, 13 2013022222 Feb, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 75,000 0 1,116,906
2013021313 Feb, 13 2013021313 Feb, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 30,000 0 165,500
2013021212 Feb, 13 2013021111 Feb, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 20,000 0 70,500
2013021212 Feb, 13 2013021212 Feb, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 65,000 0 135,500
2013020505 Feb, 13 2013020505 Feb, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 15,500 0 50,500
2012121212 Dec, 12 2012121212 Dec, 12 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 52 - Expiration of options -270,000 0 320,000
2012120505 Dec, 12 2012120303 Dec, 12 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 290,000 0 590,000
2012112626 Nov, 12 2012112626 Nov, 12 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 6,000 0 1,041,906
2012112323 Nov, 12 2012112323 Nov, 12 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 94,000 0 1,035,906
2012080909 Aug, 12 2012080808 Aug, 12 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 15,500 0 857,406
2012080909 Aug, 12 2012080909 Aug, 12 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 84,500 0 941,906
2012031515 Mar, 12 2011080909 Aug, 11 Control or Direction : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2012031515 Mar, 12 2012031313 Mar, 12 Control or Direction : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 35,000 0 35,000
2012031515 Mar, 12 2011080909 Aug, 11 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Warrants (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2012031515 Mar, 12 2012031313 Mar, 12 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Warrants (Common Shares) 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 17,500 0 17,500
2011083131 Aug, 11 2011080909 Aug, 11 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2011083131 Aug, 11 2011082626 Aug, 11 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 300,000 0 300,000
2011081919 Aug, 11 2011080909 Aug, 11 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 841,906
2011081919 Aug, 11 2011080909 Aug, 11 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 420,953
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
Issuer Name: Silver Predator Corp.
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
2011040505 Apr, 11 2011040404 Apr, 11 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 135,000 0 260,000
2011032020 Mar, 11 2011031111 Mar, 11 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 100,000
2011032020 Mar, 11 2011031111 Mar, 11 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 125,000
2011032020 Mar, 11 2011031111 Mar, 11 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 50,000
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
Issuer Name: Wolverine Minerals Corp.
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
2010121515 Dec, 10 2010121414 Dec, 10 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2010121515 Dec, 10 2010121414 Dec, 10 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 50,000 0 50,000
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
2008072121 Jul, 08 2008070909 Jul, 08 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 456,429
2008072121 Jul, 08 2008070909 Jul, 08 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 456,429
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
Issuer Name: Rockhaven Resources Ltd.
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
2021081818 Aug, 21 2021081818 Aug, 21 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2021081818 Aug, 21 2021081818 Aug, 21 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2021081818 Aug, 21 2021081818 Aug, 21 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 125,000
2021081818 Aug, 21 2021081818 Aug, 21 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 550,000 0.15 725,000
2021081818 Aug, 21 2021081818 Aug, 21 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Warrants (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2021070202 Jul, 21 2017120707 Dec, 17 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 52 - Expiration of options -75,000 0 0
2021070202 Jul, 21 2017120707 Dec, 17 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 52 - Expiration of options -75,000 0 150,000
2021070202 Jul, 21 2020021313 Feb, 20 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 200,000 0 300,000
2021070202 Jul, 21 2020063030 Jun, 20 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 52 - Expiration of options -75,000 0 225,000
2021070202 Jul, 21 2021063030 Jun, 21 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 52 - Expiration of options -50,000 0 0
2021070202 Jul, 21 2021063030 Jun, 21 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 52 - Expiration of options -50,000 0 175,000
2019060606 Jun, 19 2019060303 Jun, 19 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 52 - Expiration of options -50,000 0.25 100,000
2018112626 Nov, 18 2018112121 Nov, 18 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 850,000 0 13,172,500
2018112626 Nov, 18 2018112626 Nov, 18 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -420,000 0 0
2018112626 Nov, 18 2018112626 Nov, 18 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -420,000 0 12,752,500
2018112323 Nov, 18 2018112121 Nov, 18 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 850,000 0 0
2018092727 Sep, 18 2018092525 Sep, 18 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 82,500 0 12,322,500
2018091111 Sep, 18 2018091111 Sep, 18 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 17,500 0 12,240,000
2018081616 Aug, 18 2018081616 Aug, 18 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 100,000 0 12,222,500
2018071717 Jul, 18 2018071616 Jul, 18 Control or Direction : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 94,000 0 12,082,500
2018071717 Jul, 18 2018071717 Jul, 18 Control or Direction : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 40,000 0 12,122,500
2018071313 Jul, 18 2018062222 Jun, 18 Control or Direction : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 200,000 0 11,952,500
2018071313 Jul, 18 2018071111 Jul, 18 Control or Direction : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 31,000 0 11,983,500
2018071313 Jul, 18 2018071212 Jul, 18 Control or Direction : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 5,000 0 11,988,500
2017120707 Dec, 17 2017120707 Dec, 17 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 52 - Expiration of options -75,000 0 0
2017101212 Oct, 17 2017100202 Oct, 17 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 45,000 0 11,752,500
2017100404 Oct, 17 2017100202 Oct, 17 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 1,500 0 11,707,500
2017100101 Oct, 17 2017092929 Sep, 17 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 30,000 0 11,706,000
2017092929 Sep, 17 2017092828 Sep, 17 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 43,500 0 11,676,000
2017061616 Jun, 17 2017061212 Jun, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 16 - Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus exemption 1,500,000 0 1,876,500
2016070404 Jul, 16 2016063030 Jun, 16 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 50,000 0 225,000
2015063030 Jun, 15 2015063030 Jun, 15 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 75,000 0 175,000
2015052121 May, 15 2015052020 May, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 50,000 0 11,632,500
2015050505 May, 15 2015050404 May, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 15,000 0 11,582,500
2015050101 May, 15 2015043030 Apr, 15 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 14,000 0 11,567,500
2014123030 Dec, 14 2014122929 Dec, 14 Control or Direction : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 18,500 0 11,553,500
2014122424 Dec, 14 2014122424 Dec, 14 Control or Direction : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 5,000 0 11,535,000
2014122323 Dec, 14 2014121919 Dec, 14 Control or Direction : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 51,000 0 11,511,000
2014122323 Dec, 14 2014122222 Dec, 14 Control or Direction : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 19,000 0 11,530,000
2014121919 Dec, 14 2014121717 Dec, 14 Control or Direction : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 25,000 0 11,435,000
2014121919 Dec, 14 2014121818 Dec, 14 Control or Direction : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 25,000 0 11,460,000
2014121717 Dec, 14 2014121616 Dec, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 50,000 0 11,410,000
2014121616 Dec, 14 2014121515 Dec, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 26,500 0 11,360,000
2014121212 Dec, 14 2014121111 Dec, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 113,000 0 11,333,500
2014120909 Dec, 14 2014120808 Dec, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 25,000 0 11,220,500
2014120808 Dec, 14 2014120505 Dec, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 5,000 0 11,195,500
2014120505 Dec, 14 2014120404 Dec, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 1,500 0 11,190,500
2014120404 Dec, 14 2014120303 Dec, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 17,000 0 11,189,000
2014120303 Dec, 14 2014120202 Dec, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 2,000 0 11,172,000
2014112020 Nov, 14 2014111818 Nov, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 4,000 0 11,170,000
2014111919 Nov, 14 2014111313 Nov, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 1,000 0 11,166,000
2014110606 Nov, 14 2014110505 Nov, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 1,000 0 11,165,000
2014110404 Nov, 14 2014103131 Oct, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 65,000 0 11,067,500
2014110404 Nov, 14 2014110303 Nov, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 96,500 0 11,164,000
2014103131 Oct, 14 2014103030 Oct, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 136,500 0.165 11,002,500
2014073131 Jul, 14 2014073030 Jul, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 54 - Exercise of warrants 1,650,000 0 10,866,000
2014073131 Jul, 14 2014073030 Jul, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Warrants (Common Shares) 54 - Exercise of warrants -1,500,000 0 310,000
2014060505 Jun, 14 2014060303 Jun, 14 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 50,000 0 100,000
2014040707 Apr, 14 2014040707 Apr, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 16 - Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus exemption 3,000,000 0 9,216,000
2014040707 Apr, 14 2014040707 Apr, 14 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Warrants (Common Shares) 16 - Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus exemption 1,500,000 0 1,810,000
2014012929 Jan, 14 2013121919 Dec, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 17,500 0 6,191,000
2014012929 Jan, 14 2013122323 Dec, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 25,000 0 6,216,000
2013121616 Dec, 13 2013121313 Dec, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 1,000 0 6,173,500
2013082020 Aug, 13 2013082020 Aug, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 500 0 376,500
2013072929 Jul, 13 2013072929 Jul, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 90 - Change in the nature of ownership -5,400,000 0 376,000
2013072929 Jul, 13 2013072929 Jul, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 90 - Change in the nature of ownership 5,400,000 0 6,172,500
2013071616 Jul, 13 2013071616 Jul, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 2,000 0 5,776,000
2013062727 Jun, 13 2013062727 Jun, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 3,000,000 0 5,774,000
2013061919 Jun, 13 2013061919 Jun, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 13,500 0 2,774,000
2013061313 Jun, 13 2013061313 Jun, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 6,500 0 2,760,500
2013061010 Jun, 13 2013061010 Jun, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 2,000 0 2,754,000
2013052424 May, 13 2013052323 May, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 28,500 0 2,752,000
2013052222 May, 13 2013052222 May, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 7,500 0 2,723,500
2013051515 May, 13 2013051515 May, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 1,500 0 2,716,000
2013051313 May, 13 2013051313 May, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 20,000 0 210,000
2013050808 May, 13 2013050808 May, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 18,500 0 2,714,500
2013041919 Apr, 13 2013041515 Apr, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 25,000 0 2,696,000
2013030808 Mar, 13 2013030707 Mar, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 17,500 0 2,671,000
2013030606 Mar, 13 2013030606 Mar, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 2,500 0 2,653,500
2013030404 Mar, 13 2013030404 Mar, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 10,000 0 2,651,000
2013030101 Mar, 13 2013030101 Mar, 13 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 45,000 0 2,641,000
2013020707 Feb, 13 2013020707 Feb, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 1,500 0 772,500
2013020606 Feb, 13 2013020606 Feb, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 27,000 0 771,000
2013020505 Feb, 13 2013020404 Feb, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 10,000 0 733,500
2013020505 Feb, 13 2013020505 Feb, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 10,500 0 744,000
2013013030 Jan, 13 2013013030 Jan, 13 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 19,500 0 723,500
2012121717 Dec, 12 2012121414 Dec, 12 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 52 - Expiration of options -25,000 0 50,000
2012120707 Dec, 12 2012120707 Dec, 12 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 75,000 0 75,000
2012112626 Nov, 12 2012112626 Nov, 12 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 83,000 0 2,596,000
2012112323 Nov, 12 2012112323 Nov, 12 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 17,000 0 2,513,000
2012112020 Nov, 12 2012111515 Nov, 12 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 80,000 0 700,000
2012112020 Nov, 12 2012111616 Nov, 12 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 4,000 0 704,000
2012091414 Sep, 12 2012091414 Sep, 12 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 1,300,000 0 2,496,000
2012073030 Jul, 12 2012073030 Jul, 12 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 1,100,000 0 1,196,000
2012031515 Mar, 12 2008012929 Jan, 08 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2012031515 Mar, 12 2012031515 Mar, 12 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 96,000 0 96,000
2010041616 Apr, 10 2010041515 Apr, 10 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 270,000 0 620,000
2010041616 Apr, 10 2010041515 Apr, 10 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Warrants (Common Shares) 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 135,000 0 310,000
2009111717 Nov, 09 2008012929 Jan, 08 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2009111717 Nov, 09 2009110606 Nov, 09 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 97 - Other -125,000 0 0
2009072020 Jul, 09 2008012929 Jan, 08 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2009072020 Jul, 09 2009071414 Jul, 09 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 350,000 0 350,000
2009072020 Jul, 09 2008012929 Jan, 08 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Warrants (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2009072020 Jul, 09 2009071414 Jul, 09 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Warrants (Common Shares) 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 175,000 0 175,000
2008020707 Feb, 08 2008012929 Jan, 08 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 190,000
2008020707 Feb, 08 2008012929 Jan, 08 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 125,000
2008020707 Feb, 08 2008012929 Jan, 08 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 95,000
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
Issuer Name: Midnight Sun Capital Corp.
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
2010051212 May, 10 2010051212 May, 10 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -54,000 0 31,000
2009042727 Apr, 09 2009042121 Apr, 09 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 2,000 0 85,000
2009010707 Jan, 09 2008121616 Dec, 08 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 2,000 0 78,000
2009010707 Jan, 09 2008121616 Dec, 08 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 2,000 0 80,000
2009010707 Jan, 09 2008122323 Dec, 08 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 3,000 0 83,000
2008111717 Nov, 08 2008110707 Nov, 08 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 3,000 0 76,000
2008110606 Nov, 08 2008102828 Oct, 08 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 3,000 0 73,000
2008103030 Oct, 08 2008102424 Oct, 08 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 10,000 0 70,000
2008102222 Oct, 08 2008101717 Oct, 08 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 4,000 0 60,000
2008102020 Oct, 08 2008101515 Oct, 08 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 14,000 0 56,000
2008101616 Oct, 08 2008100909 Oct, 08 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 2,000 0 42,000
2008012222 Jan, 08 2007041111 Apr, 07 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2008012222 Jan, 08 2008011616 Jan, 08 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 60,000 0 60,000
2007113030 Nov, 07 2007041111 Apr, 07 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 40,000
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
Issuer Name: Bashaw Capital Corp.
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
2005061616 Jun, 05 2005061313 Jun, 05 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 260,000
2005061616 Jun, 05 2005061313 Jun, 05 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 70,000
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
Issuer Name: Twenty-Seven Capital Corp.
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
2007011616 Jan, 07 2007011515 Jan, 07 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 51 - Exercise of options 95,000 0 340,000
2007011616 Jan, 07 2007011515 Jan, 07 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 51 - Exercise of options -95,000 0 0
2006110707 Nov, 06 2006110101 Nov, 06 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 54 - Exercise of warrants 62,500 62500 245,000
2006110707 Nov, 06 2006110101 Nov, 06 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 54 - Exercise of warrants -62,500 0 0
2006091818 Sep, 06 2006091818 Sep, 06 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 54 - Exercise of warrants -60,000 0 0
2006091818 Sep, 06 2006091818 Sep, 06 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 54 - Exercise of warrants 60,000 0 182,500
2006091818 Sep, 06 2006091818 Sep, 06 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 54 - Exercise of warrants -60,000 0 62,500
2005120606 Dec, 05 2005120202 Dec, 05 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 62,500 0.4 122,500
2005120606 Dec, 05 2005120202 Dec, 05 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 62,500 0 122,500
2005062121 Jun, 05 2005032121 Mar, 05 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2005062121 Jun, 05 2005062121 Jun, 05 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 95,000 0 95,000
2005032222 Mar, 05 2005032121 Mar, 05 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 60,000
2005032222 Mar, 05 2005032121 Mar, 05 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 60,000
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
Issuer Name: ATAC Resources Ltd.
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
2011031111 Mar, 11 2011031111 Mar, 11 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 125,000 0 225,000
2010120606 Dec, 10 2010120202 Dec, 10 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -50,000 0 1,176,817
2010120606 Dec, 10 2010120101 Dec, 10 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -100,010 0 1,226,817
2010092828 Sep, 10 2010092222 Sep, 10 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -2,800 0 1,326,827
2010090101 Sep, 10 2010082323 Aug, 10 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -10,000 0 1,344,627
2010090101 Sep, 10 2010082020 Aug, 10 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -15,000 0 1,369,627
2010082626 Aug, 10 2010082424 Aug, 10 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -15,000 0 1,329,627
2010082424 Aug, 10 2010082323 Aug, 10 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -15,000 0 1,354,627
2010081515 Aug, 10 2010081313 Aug, 10 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -10,000 0 1,409,627
2010081515 Aug, 10 2010081212 Aug, 10 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -10,000 0 1,419,627
2010081515 Aug, 10 2010081313 Aug, 10 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -25,000 0 1,384,627
2010062525 Jun, 10 2010061515 Jun, 10 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -10,000 0 1,429,627
2010062525 Jun, 10 2010061414 Jun, 10 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -15,000 0 1,439,627
2010061414 Jun, 10 2010061010 Jun, 10 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -5,000 0 1,454,627
2010061414 Jun, 10 2010060808 Jun, 10 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -5,000 0 1,459,627
2010061414 Jun, 10 2010060707 Jun, 10 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -45,000 0 1,464,627
2010060707 Jun, 10 2007120505 Dec, 07 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 1,532,127
2010060707 Jun, 10 2010060303 Jun, 10 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -5,000 0 1,509,627
2010060707 Jun, 10 2010060202 Jun, 10 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -5,000 0 1,514,627
2010060707 Jun, 10 2010060101 Jun, 10 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -12,500 0 1,519,627
2010011414 Jan, 10 2010011212 Jan, 10 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 100,000 0 100,000
2010011414 Jan, 10 2007120505 Dec, 07 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2009070808 Jul, 09 2009070303 Jul, 09 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 51 - Exercise of options -350,000 0 0
2009070808 Jul, 09 2009070303 Jul, 09 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 51 - Exercise of options 350,000 0 1,532,127
2009050505 May, 09 2009050101 May, 09 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 65,000 0 350,000
2008121919 Dec, 08 2008121717 Dec, 08 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 39,000 0.075 1,126,127
2008121919 Dec, 08 2008121818 Dec, 08 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 6,000 0.075 1,132,127
2008121919 Dec, 08 2008121919 Dec, 08 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 50,000 0.075 1,182,127
2008081818 Aug, 08 2008081414 Aug, 08 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 2,000 0 1,069,127
2008081818 Aug, 08 2008081818 Aug, 08 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 18,000 0 1,087,127
2007102424 Oct, 07 2007102222 Oct, 07 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 185,000 0 285,000
2007052121 May, 07 2007051818 May, 07 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 51 - Exercise of options 300,000 0 1,067,127
2007052121 May, 07 2007051818 May, 07 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 51 - Exercise of options -300,000 0 100,000
2007031616 Mar, 07 2007031212 Mar, 07 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 100,000 0 400,000
2006081414 Aug, 06 2006080909 Aug, 06 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 52 - Expiration of options -50,000 0 300,000
2006020202 Feb, 06 2006020202 Feb, 06 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 52 - Expiration of options -50,000 0 350,000
2006010909 Jan, 06 2006010707 Jan, 06 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 55 - Expiration of warrants -666,667 0 0
2004071919 Jul, 04 2004070909 Jul, 04 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 300,000 0 400,000
2004010707 Jan, 04 2004010707 Jan, 04 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 666,667 0 666,667
2004010707 Jan, 04 2004010707 Jan, 04 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 666,667 0.1 767,127
2003111313 Nov, 03 2003110606 Nov, 03 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -800,000 0.125 100,460
2003072121 Jul, 03 2003020909 Feb, 03 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 100,000
2003072121 Jul, 03 2003020909 Feb, 03 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2003072121 Jul, 03 2003020909 Feb, 03 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 900,460
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
Issuer Name: Cash Minerals Ltd.
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
2004120202 Dec, 04 2004120101 Dec, 04 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 54 - Exercise of warrants -375,000 0 80,203
2004120202 Dec, 04 2004120101 Dec, 04 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 54 - Exercise of warrants -375,000 0.11 0
2004071919 Jul, 04 2004070909 Jul, 04 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 166,000 0 250,000
2004010707 Jan, 04 2004010707 Jan, 04 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 375,000 0.1 455,203
2004010707 Jan, 04 2004010707 Jan, 04 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately 375,000 0 375,000
2003111313 Nov, 03 2003110606 Nov, 03 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -142,226 0.11 80,203
2003111313 Nov, 03 2003110606 Nov, 03 Indirect Ownership : Archer, Cathro & Associates (1981) Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -171,429 0.11 0
2003111313 Nov, 03 2003110606 Nov, 03 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -840 0.11 13,260
2003072222 Jul, 03 2003071212 Jul, 03 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 55 - Expiration of warrants -50,000 0 0
2003072121 Jul, 03 2002082121 Aug, 02 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 222,429
2003072121 Jul, 03 2002082121 Aug, 02 Indirect Ownership : Archer, Cathro & Associates (1981) Limited Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 171,429
2003072121 Jul, 03 2002082121 Aug, 02 Indirect Ownership : ECEE Money Limited Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 14,100
2003072121 Jul, 03 2002082121 Aug, 02 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 84,000
2003072121 Jul, 03 2002082121 Aug, 02 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 50,000
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
Issuer Name: Honey Badger Silver Inc. (formerly, Honey Badger Exploration Inc.)
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
2021080404 Aug, 21 2021062424 Jun, 21 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2021080404 Aug, 21 2021080404 Aug, 21 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 750,000 0 750,000
2021080404 Aug, 21 2021062424 Jun, 21 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2021080404 Aug, 21 2021080404 Aug, 21 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 750,000 0 750,000
2021062424 Jun, 21 2021062424 Jun, 21 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2021062424 Jun, 21 2021062424 Jun, 21 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance